The boy and I are going to see Austin and Sarah this weekend. It was supposed to be a Halloween extravaganza, but several people canceled, and since Dean and I fucked around on our costumes (or lack thereof), there will be no official soiree. I think Sarah is still planning making yummy treats though. And the great thing about so many people canceling is that now Sarah and I can knit to our hearts' content without offending or insulting any non-knitters (besides the boyfriends, but they can entertain themselves! Before work this morning, I was trying to get my knitting supplies together and Dean laughed at me, saying, "we're only going to be there a weekend". He doesn't understand that I may change my mind about what I want to make, or I may spend time on several new projects. Geez.
So, here's what I'm taking with me for the weekend, in hopes of making some real progress:

I started this earlier in the week, and hope to give it to my mom with the scarf I'm making. They don't
quite match, but she loves all things purple, so I think she'll look past that fact.

I have one thumb left on my first fetching pair, and Sarah's going to help me conquer it. I'm hoping to make several pair of these for xmas gifts, so I've got to get it under my thumb. Har.

I'm taking my soft lux in green, to make Natty, by Wendy Bernard.
I'm also taking a couple balls of Berroco touche, which I'm very eager to try. I'm hoping to make the Zephyr Style tree jacket. It looks so lush and soft, so I hope it's a good choice for the project.
Finally, I'm bring my first ball of comfort, in hopes of starting the tahki sweater I've got my eye on found here on ravelry
Okay, so perhaps, I'm being a little ambitious. :\ We'll see.