
Monday, March 30, 2015

A few WIPs

I haven't made an honest WIP list in several months, and I know the list is long these days. I'm okay with it, though. I know my interest in a project sometimes fades or needs to simmer, and that feels more natural than forcing myself to work on something when I don't want to do so. That being said, I've got three WIPs to share today.

The first is an oldie, started in October 2013. I call it my Nothing but Blues EPP project. I'm using 1.5" hexagons, and blue scraps. I'm trying not to use any repeats, and I've accrued quite a collection (many more bits than I've already used) from friends. It's always fun to pick up this project, and I've stitched together several bits in the last week. I don't know how big the quilt will be, but I guess I'll know it when I see it.

I started a new knitting project Friday night. I've really worked primarily on socks this year, and I felt the urge for a new project. I indulged. It's the Ulmus shawl, and it was in my queue for ages.

Lastly, entirely inspired by Charlotte, a new quilt project.

After seeing her finished Magic Stars quilt top on instagram, I NEEDED one. I'm using some of the same fabrics she used, and a few different ones, and the blocks are nearly done, just a week after starting. I'm excited to enjoy this one immediately, and it will make me think of my pal, Charlotte, so win win win.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fantastic quilt voyage

Traveling quilts are so much fun. I highly recommend starting or joining one, if you get the chance. I participated in my first with the wonky bee, and this amazing quilt was the result:

. This quilt hangs in our living room, and I love thinking of the wonky girls that helped make it (Sara, Melissa, Nicke, Amanda and Jessica).

So, late last year, I schemed with a few friends to start a new traveling quilt bee: the fantastic quilt voyage (and I may or may not have had the Coolio song in my brain when the name emerged).

A traveling quilt bee is very similar to a regular sewing bee. The main difference is that each person starts a quilt simultaneously, and each quilt progresses in a different order of participants. You get to pick your own palette and style, and the hopeful result is that each person gets a quilt top (or a pile of blocks) that makes them super happy.

I chose a bright and saturated palette for my FQV:

and I created this pinterest board for inspiration:
Follow Jacey's board Fantastic Quilt Voyage on Pinterest.

I can't wait to see how each friend contributes to this project!

I just finished my contribution for Holly's quilt.

Her colors are so soft and sophisticated. Holly encouraged an element of handmade fabric, so I tried my hand at some stenciling (my pieces are the mint green with triangles!). I just received Nicke's quilt, and I'm jazzed to make a little something fun for her next.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Charade socks & some drawstring bags

I don't know how I did it (since I'm the slowest sock knitter ever), but I started and finished a pair of socks in January. I immediately cast on for a second pair, and even though it is proving to be a slower knit (or maybe I've had more distractions), I am in LOVE with the yarn/pattern combo.

This is some Sparky the Sock in Rah Rah, by Spun Right Round. The sock pattern is Sandra Park's Charade. And as you can see, I have a new project bag!

I made a few new ones, again from Jeni's Drawstring Bag pattern. I sent two of these to some favorite friends, and kept one for myself.

Monday, March 2, 2015

HST + 1: Wild and Free

Sweet Maureen sent me an envelope of Wild and Free just before Quiltcon, and I started cutting into it on Friday. I had a thought of going one step further with some half-square triangles, and I'm really excited about how it's turning out.

The fabrics are fun and vibrant, and I added just a few solids to the mix.

I cut 4.5" squares and made a pile of HSTs (using the two-at-a-time method).

After trimming down the HSTs to 4" squares, I paired them with 4" squares cut from the same prints and solids to make an "HST plus One".

Simple, but awesome! These are then trimmed down to 3.5" blocks, and I'm using them with HSTs and plain 3.5" blocks to make a fun patchwork project.

I'm loving the woven look that is created by combining shapes of the same print.

I plan on building this WIP into a small quilt top soon, so I'll keep you posted!