
Sunday, February 24, 2008


You can often hear me complaining about the lack of seasons in Houston, but I guess there's something to the fact that around this time of year, you can expect temperatures in the sixties to eighties, which really, is pretty comfortable. This morning, the boyfriend and I went to buy home improvement stuff, and while at the store, I spotted some beautiful flowers. On my back patio, I have a small flowerbed that until today was run over with primarily weeds. I bought some Impatiens, Marigolds and Osteopermums in yellow, orange and pinks, cleaned up the flowerbed and planted them-all by myself!

It's pretty nice to look out the window and see color.

Of course, Bella supervised to ensure the plants were properly handled.
In knitting news, I worked for a while last night and this afternoon to seam up one side of Twiggy Tweed. The other side is blocking, and I might seam it up tonight.

The colors are so much fun, and I'm pretty sure I'll do a little embroidery to jazz it up a bit., or at the very least, a little contrast color stitching.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally jealous that you can plant annuals already. We have to wait until at least late April, if not May, here in MD...


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