
Monday, September 8, 2008

Ripping and frogging

There has been a lot of starting, undoing and restarting going on here. I get very discouraged when I make a mistake, and rather than try to fix it, I just rip it. It makes me feel instantly better to be able to erase a mistake, but the downfall is that I hardly ever finish anything. I need to become better at knowing how to correct small errors, rather than frogging inches of completed rows.

First up for review is the February Baby Sweater.

I started this in some Cotton Patine yarn, and enjoyed the rows and rows of garter stitch. Unfortunately, I didn't read through the whole pattern before starting, and forgot to keep some garter for the edging upon starting the lace. I should have known better, especially considering this is an Elizabeth Zimmerman pattern, whom I know to be a designer that provides recipes, not exact patterns.
I will finish this pattern someday. I liked it in the cotton, so I may even start again with the same yarn. For now, the yarn goes back in the pile.

Exhibit number two is the Anthropologie Shrug, which I started on my Corpus Christi trip last month.

I actually was knitting this correctly, and made no mistakes (the pattern is so easy to follow), but I decided that a shrug in this neutral color would not be something I would wear regularly. I am entirely too pale to wear beige. Who am I kidding? I frogged this, and have already determined a better use for the snickerdoodle yarn (that's the colorway-from Knit Picks); it will become a pillow-a much better use for the color. I haven't determined what yarn I will use to make the shrug, but believe me, I've got options.

My third frustration of late is my beloved CPH. I've already completed the back, which you see here:

and the left front. However, as I was knitting up the right front, I got interrupted a bit, and somehow kept knitting about five inches past the point where I should have begun binding off for the armhole. This is, I assume, an easy mistake to make, but now I have to rip back to the correct point and knit again. I know this isn't that big of a deal, but a setback like this makes me want to throw it away. I won't actually do that, by the way.


  1. Oh good--I'm glad to see there's someone else out there who doesn't just sail through patterns effortlessly and perfectly. But sometimes it's hard to keep knitting through the frustrations. I just keep telling myself, "Next time, it will be perfect!"

  2. The good thing about knitting...the magic...the secret weapon is that you can always rip and re-knit...or MOST of the time anyways :)

    The CPH looks amazing so far...cabled perfection!



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