
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Celebratory giveaway

This month marks a milestone for me. A year ago, I finished my first knitting project. I also started this blog. In honor of my impending blogibirthday, I've decided to have a little contest.

You can win some yarn or fabric if you're an addict like me.
If you don't knit or sew, you can still win! I will make you a little crafty item (like a hat, tote bag, pouch, etc.) in your favorite color(s).
I will also include a few random treats/trinkets in either prize.

Here's how you can win:
by 8:00 PM CST on October 25th (my blogibirthday), leave a comment on this post with an interesting random fact about yourself. I'd also love to know about your favorite etsy shop. I will randomly select a winner, or maybe two.

I really enjoy the hobbies I've picked up in the last year. Here's to many more years of crafting!


  1. Wow, you've accomplished a lot in one year of knitting. I only did 3 scarves and one hat my first year.

    Random fact: I made my first scarf out of sock yarn and it took 8 months.

    Favorite Etsy shop:
    This lady will machine knit socks from your sock yarn.
    It sounds silly, but I really enjoy the socks I got myself for Christmas last year, and I never would have gotten around to knitting them myself!

    -Melissa (Indigomouse)

    PS: You might want to open commenting to those of us who don't use Google or those other accounts. I have no idea what Google account this will post under. Probably my work one.

  2. Wow, a year? It amazes me how fast time passes, but not that my daughter is very talented!

    A random fact about myself? Not everyone knows the secret of a Comanche County milkshake!


  3. Random Fact:

    When I was 7, I wanted to prove to myself that I could remember something my entire life. At that time, an infomercial came on TV starring Ed McMahon. The number was 1 800 441 7575. I think about it every now and then to prove to my seven year old self I still have skills.

    Okay, and as a twist on your title, The celebrity I'd like to win in a celebrity giveaway is John Krasinski. Yums.

  4. Congratulations on your knit/blogiversary. I've been really into Butterflygirl Designs' Etsy shop lately--the cutwork Italian resins spindles are gorgeous and so are her batts (I ordered a Blue Morpho batt recently but have been putting off actually spinning it because I'm afraid I won't do it justice!) random fact about me: I once got mobbed and bitten by ducks at the community center during my driver's ed classes in high school. I've taken special pleasure in eating them ever since.

  5. Congratulations!! And happy blogiversary!! Favorite etsy shop - Kathryn Riechert. She makes cute metal jewelry and takes custom orders. Random fact? I schedule my Saturdays around the BBC shows on PBS (Are You Being Served, My Hero, etc.)And I am unanimous in that!

  6. Facts about me.I am double jointed,I can blow bubbles with just my mouth and my spit,I don't know how to knit,I just had a baby and I want you to make me an awesome tote.Yay! Cheers!

  7. Congratulations on a year of knitting and blogging!

    Random fact: I can pop my left thumb back into its socket.

    Favourite Etsy shop: it changes daily at least, but right now it's Dirtgirlpottery (especially the bowls).

  8. I don't know how I stumbled across your blog, but I have it on my lists of blogs to read for the past few months! Happy one year! :)

    My favorite etsy site is bedsheetzzz which is my mom's site!

    A random fact is that Alice Cooper use to be a family friend and I have baby pictures with him. Now that I'm a teacher, I have always wanted him to come and sing "Schools Out for the Summer!"

  9. Wow, congrats! I think I should win because your bloggibirthday is the day after my actual birthday. Beat that, freeloaders! ;)

  10. Wow! What a great give-away! Please enter me.

    Favorite Etsy shop: whoever has what I'm looking for at the time

    ramdom fact: my fourth grade teacher taught everyone in the class how to knit. She felt like it was a great way for kids to learn to follow directions and it also helped with their fine motor skills!


  11. so im officially leaving my comment:). interesting fact...i pulled your tooth out with a sucker one time.

    favorite etsy shop: anything with canvases.

    and i think you should randomly pick your sister.

    love you!


I appreciate your comments and questions! I try to respond to every comment. If you are a no-reply blogger and would like a response, please leave an email address in your comment. Thanks!