
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What a difference a week makes

Here's a picture of my Favorite Cardigan progress as of Monday afternoon.

I'm about five inches past the sleeve separation.

How is that even possible? I'm amazed at how fast I'm knitting this baby up. I don't want to jinx myself, but I guess I've just been really motivated by the deadline. Sometimes, deadlines are a good thing.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that I'm using Malabrigo. I love the slight variation in color. The Marine ranges from dark purple to a slightly lighter blue. I'm a little less than halfway done with the second skein.

I'm still contemplating sleeve length. I think I'll have plenty of yarn to do full sleeves, but it may get more wear if I do 3/4 sleeves. I'm pretty sure I'll do the button band before the sleeves for two reasons: 1) the button band is always the biggest pain in the ass, so I'll get it out of the way and 2) I can then use as much as I have left for the sleeves.


  1. Omigosh, your sweater looks so snuggly and pretty that now I'm jonesing for a Malabrigo sweater of my own! I'm blaming you for being an enabler...

  2. You are rocking that Malabrigo! I can't wait to see how this turns out!

  3. Beautiful! You will for sure be wearing it on your trip!

  4. Jacey, it's absolutely beautiful. Your stitching looks perfect and I want to roll around in that color for a few hours. Excellent progress!


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