
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Robot love

While searching for buttons on etsy, I came across this irresistible set of robot buttons.

I. am. a. robot.

I don't really have a specific purpose for them, but I'm thinking they would be cute on something sewn, an accessory, or maybe used individually on various items.

Basically, I knew I had to have them, and that's enough, right? It's a good thing I stay of etsy most of the time. It's a dangerous place. I got them from buttered parsnips. You can see a sneak of the other buttons I bought in the photo. I'll reveal shortly (or if you're on ravelry, you can already see here.

1 comment:

  1. Omigosh, I just cannot resist a cute button...which is ironic, really, since I never get around to actually sewing them on my FOs. What a great find!


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