
Friday, March 19, 2010

FO: Muddy Maroon Cardigan

The cardigan is done. I have pictures to prove it. Pictures of me wearing it. Wanna see?

FO: Muddy maroon Cardigan
Now with 100% more smirky face!

We went to D.C. this week to meet the new baby (the squirrel sweater was well received!), and I convinced my guy to snap some photos of me while we were seeing the sights. Speaking of, I've got some vacation photos to share with you as well.

FO: Muddy Maroon Cardigan
I'm really not digging the hair in this picture, but that's what new haircuts are for, and I've got one coming up soon.

The handspun yarn yoke is Mud Creek, which I received as a gift from my good friend Sarah. It's been in the stash for two years, and I just wanted to find a pattern that would really showcase it's beauty. I think this sweater accomplishes that. Elliott helped me choose the body yarn, and I think the maroon Northampton, also from the stash, is a great choice. I started this sweater in December, over my Christmas break.

FO: Muddy Maroon Cardigan

I found the wood buttons at Joann's a couple of weeks ago, and finished sewing them on last week, in preparation for the trip.

Completion: Muddy Maroon Cardigan

The pattern is Melissa LaBarre's very famous Garter Yoke Cardigan, which can be found in the 2008 Fall/Winter Knit1 magazine. The pattern is very straightforward. I really didn't make any modifications, except that I knit the sleeves differently. The first sleeve is a little too loose around my upper arm, as I prefer more fitted sleeves. When I knit the second one, I started decreasing more rapidly to achieve that look. They don't match exactly because of this, but it's not really that noticeable. I cast on with the Northampton and knit three rows with it before switching to the Mud Creek. I'm really please with the way it turned out. I can actually see myself wearing this, and that's not the case with some of the items I've made in the past.

FO: Muddy Maroon Cardigan

I've decided not to cast on for anything new right away. I've decided to follow in yarndude's footsteps, and tackle a looming UFO.
My Central Park Hoodie, started in June 2008 is going to get finished. Just in time for summer.



  1. very nice! love the handspun yoke. i will get around to making another one of these someday.

  2. Hooray for not starting new projects!! (I know, how sad does that sound?) This sweater looks fantastic!

  3. That looks great on you! Thumbs up!

    I think I have those exact same buttons in my button stash. And I'm one zipper away from finishing my second Central Park Hoodie. There we go, being the same person again... ;)

  4. It looks fantastic! I'm totally going to make a handspun-yoke sweater one of these days. All I need is the handspun...and the time. But I'm using yours as inspiration!

  5. The sweater looks great - and so does the smirky face! And I love the chosen colors

  6. Wow, it's beautiful! I'm so jealous of you finishing stuff! You must motivate me this weekend. ;)

  7. That cardi is so lovely! I really love the colors in the yoke play off the rest of the sweater. You look so cute!

  8. cute cardigan! I love the handspun yoke too, it looks lovely with the red :-)

  9. you finished something with BUTTONS! And I've been procrastinating on a silly sleeve. It looks awesome on you!!


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