
Monday, September 13, 2010

FO: Grellow Echino

Between being Maid of Honor for Jenny and craziness at work, I haven't had much crafting time lately. The bachelorette party was this weekend, and the wedding is this Saturday, so the craziness will subside soon.

In the meantime, I did manage to make a pillow for Jill's new house. She moved in to her first house a few weeks ago. We went fabric shopping last weekend, and I have orders for several sets of curtains, as well as a full- and half- apron. Long before she moved in, I purchased half yards of the awesome Echino camera fabric.

Echino Cameras

Jill is an awesome photgrapher, and has recently started working towards professional status. She's had a few paying gigs, and is trying to branch out with her most beloved hobby. I knew she would dig the camera fabric, so I made her a pillow using the gold version, along with Kona scraps from my quilt.

FO: Grellow Echino

I think this is a great way to use the camera fabric, and it leaves me with a ton of fabric for another project. I used the same layout for the back of the pillow, a gold zipper, and used bamboo fiberfil for the stuffing (it needs more, though; I ran out).

I hope Jill enjoys her new pillow, and her new house!


  1. Oh so lovely! I have the glasses in green of that echino fabric. It is so fun.

  2. that's a great pillow! very graphic and modern.

  3. Wow, that's a great idea. I'm sure she'll appreciate this.

  4. Fab pillow! Being a budding photog, she'll LOVE that fabric!

  5. Seriously you are killing me with your fabric!! I may have to see if I can find some of this online. It's perfect in this pillow for your photographer friend!

  6. I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find that beautiful camera fabric? please email me! Thanks so much!


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