
Friday, November 19, 2010

FO: More Quick Sewing

Needing yet another quick FO, I sewed up two pillowcases the other night. In under an hour, I had two finished standard-size pillowcases, giving me the perfect punch of color I'm craving these days.

New pillowcases

Laura Gunn's Poppy fabric has long been on my list, and I snagged a few yards at the quilt show. Each of these pillowcases takes just less than a yard (1/4 yard for the opening, less than 3/4 yard for the body). I only had one yard of each fabric, hence the non-matching cases. I may have to buy some more of the "Big Poppy" type, as I just love it. You can't see in the picture, but the blue background looks painted on, and has great texture (after looking at her website, that's probably because she paints, and the fabrics she creates are based on those paintings.).

These go perfectly in my room, but I'm left wanting some sort of artwork to hang behind me bed.
Any suggestions on DIY or frugal choices for that?


  1. I love the coordinated prints! This is really brilliant. I always want to buy quilting fabric because it comes in such great prints, but I never do anything with it. Anyways, for some DIY low budget artwork, you can get fabric with a big print, like your poppies, and stretch it over a wood fame to make a cheap and attractive wall hanging. All you need is some light weight boards, a bit of fabric, and a nail or staple gun. A friend of mine did that to make a faux headboard for her bed.

  2. My mom started making me cool pillowcases this summer and I so love that splash of mismatched color (because I of course don't have sheets to match)! I've got plans to make 2 sets this holiday for a friend and one for me. They are so fun! Yours by the way, look great!

  3. I love those pillowcases and the mix of patterns. I miss the Houston Quilt show A LOT.

    Those patterns are very Marimekko-ish. I wonder if you could find a nice large fabric panel to hang on a bamboo rod above your bed?

  4. Perfect! I love the mix of fabrics.

  5. love the pillowcases!

    i'm not great at the home decor stuff, but i think it's cool right now to make your own headboard, like fabric covered, or painted, or i've even seen people use old doors.

  6. One thing I did in our guest room was to take stash fabric and stretch it over cheap wooden frames (from ikea, or michael's, or something like that). I took the glass out, and tacked the fabric over it. It was still usable afterwards, and I could appreciate it while it was on the wall instead of in a bin in the sewing room. Just a thought!

  7. Great pillowcases!

    I've stretched fabric over art canvases to make bulletin boards. But just the fabric over the canvas would be great. And using a staple gun in super fun! ;)

    We don't have a headboard, so in our master bedroom (which is painted a light blue), I painted about 1/3 of the wall a deep, dark brown. (I prefer not to have anything hanging above the bed because you just know it would fall and give me a concussion at some point.)


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