
Monday, January 3, 2011

FO: Birdie Apron

It's embarrassing how long I've had this item on my to-do list. Several months ago, my sister Jill picked out several fabrics for her new home. I finished her kitchen curtain about a month after, but since then, nothing else has been finished. It's been so long now that I've misplaced the dimensions for her other curtain requirements, but we're getting together soon to remedy that.

Please excuse the mess

In the meantime though, I was able to produce her new half-apron. It took no time at all, probably only an hour or two. We picked out the cute birdie fabric and I added the red solid. I improvised the pattern, and the only thing I would do differently with my method is add a reinforcing waistband. I think making the sash extend across the apron body would do the trick. The pocket turned out especially cute.

I really enjoyed the sewing time I had over this past week. I've got two more sewing FOs to share, and I also want to assemble my 2011 crafting goals. See you soon!


  1. A very cute and fresh apron. Love it.

  2. Such a cute apron! Looks great on you.

  3. This turned out really cute - and I know it will be enjoyed!

  4. I am amazed at my ability to put off such simple things!

    The apron is fab. Lucky sister!

  5. I love this! I've been thinking of making myself an apron and hadn't thought of a half one until recently. Your pocket is perfect!


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