
Monday, April 11, 2011

Olias and the Pips

I'm convinced that this would make a great band name, and Olias would certainly make a dapper front man. So, I didn't work on everything on my weekend list, but I did have lots of crafty fun.

Progress: Pips Quilt

My Sherbet Pips quilt top is nearly done. I'm using Kona Medium Gray and the pink/gray print is one I picked up from the Quilt Festival last fall. I think it works well with the Pips colors, and I needed a supplement to make sure I had enough HSTs.

Olias and the Pips

I got all but four rows sewn together, so I'll be ready to piece a backing in no time. I actually contemplated hand-quilting this, since it will just be a wee-sized quilt.

I also worked more on my tangerine Bottled Rainbows block, although I didn't finish it.

Progress: Tangerine Bottled Rainbows block

I'm okay with that. I really enjoy this process, and I'm not trying to rush it. Working with teeny tiny scraps is really fun and satisfying.

I'm also only about fifteen rows from finishing Ishbel the third, but I didn't take a picture, since unblocked lace is pretty blobby and unphotogenic.

Did you have a fun weekend?


  1. I like the colours of that bottled rainbows block! So bright, that will be a cheer you up quilt. :)

  2. aww, the kitty pic is so cute.

    good for you for accomplishing so much. i made lots of weekend plans and the i ended up doing something completely different. but that's not unusual for me.

  3. Wow your bottled rainbows blocks look awesome!! I LOVE the purple one!

  4. The tangerine block is amazing! It doesn't look like it's a quick project, but it's going to look awesome!

  5. I'm impressed. So much crafty goodness in such little time! And I adore how your tangerine piece is coming along. I agree...don't rush it...just enjoy that process!

    Cutey Olias!


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