
Monday, May 2, 2011

FO: Apple Ishbel

FO: Apple Ishbel

Given that my last knitting FO of the year (which was also the first one of the year, so YIKES.) was finished in January, I'm proud to finally have some finished knitting to share.

FO: Apple Ishbel

This is my third time to knit Ysolda's Ishbel, and this time I used a fabulous alpaca/cashmere/silk blend of yarn. I loved knitting with it, and if it's possible, I think it got even softer after washing.

FO: Apple Ishbel

The resulting shawl is so snuggly. My only modification was to eliminate the last two rows, as I was dangerously close to running out of yarn. I knit the large stockinette and the small lace. It felt good to finish some knitting, since I've been spending so much of my free time on sewing and quilting. I have two other nearly-finished knitting projects that I'd like to get wrapped up soon.

Raveled here

I've also committed to participating in Lolly's awesome Project Spectrum again. I enjoyed the project back in 2009, and I'm looking forward to some inspiration each month to focus on one color. I doubt I will completely adhere to this, as I have some ongoing projects and things I want to accomplish, of course. I've started a pinboard to get me in the red state of mind.

Project Spectrum: May Inspiration

I also created this mosaic on flickr (click through for photo credits). I painted my fingernails red yesterday, too. Sometimes, it's the little things.

If you'd like to play along, please join in!

In non-crafting news, I did some much needed house cleaning this weekend (okay, I know that doesn't really qualify as news, but it was mandatory!). I also recently joined a gym, and I've been trying to go at least twice a week. My yoga class yesterday left me really sore, but in a good way.


  1. ooh, pretty shawl! and hooray for PS! should be fun...

  2. So impressive (this girl can barely knit)! I'd not heard of PS before, but what a fun idea. Lookin forward to seeing your red =)

  3. Your ishbel is very pretty and that fiber combo sounds delish!

    good for you on joining a gym. i can't do yoga--i'm the least flexible person in the world, but i admire those who can.

  4. Beautiful shawl! I like the way the lace pattern grows out of the stockinette.

    Hmm, project spectrum. I thought about that a few years ago. Maybe I'll give it a shot soon!

  5. So good. Your shawl is great. Wow. Go you!

  6. love your ishbel.

    and thanks for your comments on my blog about willow. it means a lot to us.

  7. Beautiful shawl! I've always wanted to make an Ishbel...yours reminded me of that!

    What an amazing mosaic to start off PS! I so wanted to participate the next time L initiated it but alas, with leaving soon for the field, I just can't make it happen. I'll follow along yours as best as I can and maybe next time around I'll be able to participate!


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