
Monday, November 28, 2011

FO: Stockings for Jill and Ryan

Whew! What a nice long weekend! For those of you in the states, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving with your families. I got a lot of time with my family and Elliott's. And yes, I'm engaged! I don't have any details to share on the when or how, but we know it will be sometime next year! For now, I'm just enjoying the feeling. I'll share more with you soon!

In the meantime, I crossed a couple of things off of my gifty list this weekend.

My sister asked me for Christmas stockings, personalized for her and her boyfriend, Ryan. Using Fabricworm's tutorial and some Alexander Henry Holiday Hoot fabric, I came up with some pretty fun stockings!

FO: Owl-y Stockings

I worked on the embroidery over the holiday, and finished them up yesterday afternoon.

Embroidery for stockings

It's always fun to stitch up words in embroidery. And of course, Bella always likes to help.

The pattern was very easy to follow, and the second one came together better than the first.

I'm linking up today with Megan this morning!

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations


  1. Darling stockings! And congratulations on your engagement - very cool!!

  2. They are so lovely. The fabric is great fun, festive but not totally overblown.

  3. Seriously cute, I need to get working on ours!

    And congrats again!! :)

  4. love the stockings and i scratched bella's ears over on flickr! ;)

    also... awesome that you are a finalist on celebrate color! YAY! i totally voted for you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Darling! That is such a great idea for a gift.

  7. So cute, Jacey! I love the star and heart after their names.

  8. Congratulations on your engagement!! Love the stockings too...but most importantly, CONGRATULATIONS!

  9. adorable Jacey, I LOVE your embroidery.

  10. Those are too cute..and the owls...oh the owls!! Nice embroidery...I love the style you used.

    Glad to hear you had a good holiday week!

  11. that fabric is so adorably cute! great stockings.

    congrats on making it to the finals of Celebrate Color! I voted for you.

  12. Congrats on the engagement! I had similar feelings when we got engaged (back in 2004). The stockings are super cute. Sometimes it seems I should consider taking up sewing, as it's so much quicker than knitting! ;-) I'm also intrigued by quilting, but that doesn't seem as speedy. (sjn821 on Rav)

  13. What sweet stockings! And congrats again on the engagement. :)

  14. Congratulations!! And those stockings are amazing.

  15. Those stockings are great! I'll have to try that for next year.

    I'm glad you're taking your time on the wedding (planning) front. Enjoy the moment!

  16. Holy cow!!!! That is so awesome!!! Congratulations! And Rue is so right - enjoy the feeling because as soon as you set the date, you'll be consumed with details! I'm so happy for you. Squee!!!


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