
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Seven things?

So, I mentioned here that Shannon passed on the Versatile Blogger Award to me. Thank you so much, Shannon!

I've been trying to decide what seven facts about myself to share, and here's what I've come up with:


1) I have one sibling, Jill. She is incredible.
She is in the process of celebrating my upcoming birthday (that would be thirty, by the way) in a huge way. She sneakily contacted family and friends, and asked them all to celebrate my birthday with a thirty-day countdown to turning thirty.
Each day, I have a small gift and/or card to open.
It's overwhelmingly kind, and I feel so lucky to have her in my life. And I'm thrilled that she will be my Maid of Honor next year.

2) As a kid, I was a seriously picky eater. All I would eat is meat and potatoes, and carrots. I never thought that I would grow up to be such an adventurous eater, but here I am!

3) I've had two broken bones and both were a result of falling.
In second grade, I fell off a horse and broke my arm. In fourth grade, I fell out of a tree and broke my wrist.

4) I first learned to sew when I was younger than ten. My grandmother taught me to make scrunchies. I had such style, and scrunchies to match all of my outfits. Yep, I'm a nerd.

The cold hard truth

5) In periods of super craftiness, my sewing area often looks like this. Since this photo was taken, I have cleaned up a bit, but yeah. Messy.

6) I'm left handed, but with some sports and activities, I do better with my right hand.

7) I've never lived in another state but Texas. I've traveled a fair amount (with hopes for more in the future!), but it seems I'm pretty rooted here.

So, maybe you learned something new about me today!

Now, it's my turn to pass this award to a few of my favorite bloggers. I've made so many friendships through my blog, so this was a difficult choice. Today, I would like to share this award with:
Sara of The Knottygnome Knits - Sara spins, sews, knits, crochets, designs and embroiders. And she does all of these things very well.
Amanda of My Sewcial Hour - I met Amanda at the Sewing Summit, so I'm new to her blog. She's got a great sense of style, and I'm especially loving her Farmer's Wife quilt block progress (I think I'm going to have to start my own version next year, by the way...)
Nicke of Kiss Kiss Quilt - Nicke is a kindred spirit. She is hilarious and kind.
And finally
Tamiko of Patchwork Notes - Tamiko is so cool. Her Special Friend pillow is high on my to-make list for the new year.

So, that's it! Whew. Long post. Thanks for hanging in there!


  1. What a cute picture of you and your sister! I was also a picky eater growing up but then I found out that I liked a lot of different mom just didn't know how to cook them! AND my sewing area looks like yours...all the time!...and it's in the middle of our living room! (I have a really tolerant husband!)

  2. we are the same person! my sewing room is soooo the same! your sister is super awesome! she is going to be an amazing MFMOH! i want you so share some pics of those awesome scrunchies! i bet all of your friends were soooooo jealous!

  3. How did you get that picture of my sewing room? Congratulations on your award and I can only imagine how jealous the other girls were of your scrunchie stash!

  4. So nice getting to know you better :)

    I am the exact same way about my sewing room. I am very good at the cut and toss. Which is bad with fabric, but x10 worse with vintage sheets. Haha. The piles have gotten pretty big!!

  5. Loved this post and that picture of you and your sister is adorable- you have the same sweet little face. :)

    Congrats on the engagement- I don't think I knew that! Yay!

  6. yay, someone else is as messy as me!

    scrunchies really were the best. i bet you were stylin' as a kid. :-)

    thanks for the shout-out! i'll have to think over what i'd like to share.

  7. I turned 30 in Aug, so I used to also have quite the scrunchie collection, although they were not personalized. You are lucky to have such a wonderful sister to make your birthday so special!

  8. Stephanie, that's cool! A scrunchy collection is a definitive quality of our generation. ha!

    And yes, I'm super lucky to have Jill. She is incredible, and I feel so loved.

  9. I loved this post! So fun hearing a bit more about you - and that pic of you and your sister is precious! What a sweet way to celebrate your birthday! And I always love a good keepin-it-real in the sewing room pic...I mean, really, aren't creative people supposed to have work spaces like this?? I don't know that I would trust a super neat in-use sewing room...

  10. i love that your sis is doing 30 days of special birthday surprises for you. how sweet!

  11. #5 and #6, totally me too. And how awesome is your sister?

  12. I did learn new things! And thanks for the links to the blogs...will check them out. Specific comments...
    1. What a cool sister!! And wow...approaching 30...alas, I'm approaching the next decade more quickly than I care to admit.
    2. Totally me. Totally.
    3. You are a horseback rider?? That was my life when I was younger.
    6. Opposite but the same...right handed but in some sports, I do better left-handed.
    7. How about NE Oregon? You'd be welcome anytime I'm not in the field! ;)

  13. That photo of your sewing room is awesome! And your sister is amazing--what a fun way to celebrate turning 30.

    Oh, and I'm the same as you RE: #6. Do you switch off hands when cutting with the rotary cutter? I find it very handy. Haha, "handy".

  14. Well! That was an enjoyable read:) You are lucky to have such a sweet sister! Congratulations on your upcoming marraige!!!!

  15. That was fun, Jacey. Your sister sounds incredible.

  16. I am lucky to have such a sweet sister, too! You totally deserve all the love and goodness, sister.

  17. So fun! You and your sister are too cute!

    And thanks for picking me...I think! ha ha!

  18. What a great sister! When did we get so old? (confession- I'm going to stay shy of 30 a bit longer than you, but not much).

    I loved getting to know you better through this post. I'm really impressed with how you find just the right balance between sharing enough personal tidbits and remaining private at the same time. That's something I'm trying to figure out now that I'm back at work. I still keep worrying, "what if a client read that?!"


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