
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stash enhancement and a dgs block

I've gotten lazy about photographing new stash, but I have a couple of new things to share.

Spoonflower FQs

I picked up two fat quarters in the Spoonflower Buy One, Get One sale late last year. Both designs are by Holli Zollinger, and I LOVE her fabrics. I'll probably have to pick up some more of her designs later this year.

Stash enhancement

I also picked up some favorite fat quarters from two new(ish) lines: Domestic Bliss by Liz Scott (the designer of Sugar Pop, which was part of the fabric used for my Wonky Bee quilt last year) and Amy Butler's Lark. I LOVE the colors of the Domestic Bliss line, and the green lanterns from Lark are a favorite print right now.

In bee news, I've joined a new bee (crazy, I know) called Bee a Modern Swapper. It's an interesting setup. Every other month, it's a regular quilting bee with two blocks due, but the in-between months have optional small swaps that you can participate in, or not! For the first part of the year, I'll opt out of those swaps, but after the wedding, I may join in!

In do.Good Stitches, the Love circle made herringbone blocks for Rachel using her tutorial, which you can find here. This was a fun block, a little challenging at first, but very thoroughly explained. And the result is awesome!

December dgs block

I made a second block that I wasn't planning to send (it was just a little short), but Rachel said she'd find a use for it, so off it went!

I plan to revisit this block at some point. Very fun!


  1. i really love domestic bliss. so pretty. i missed the signups for be modern swapper. i was bummed. can i still join in the swaps?

  2. Your fabric stash always makes me drool. You have awesome taste.

  3. Such pretty new things! All this scrapping has made me hungry for cutting into fresh yardage. Soon...

  4. Love your fabric purchases. I'm trying so hard to resist Domestic Bliss, I love the colors too! I'll have to check out your new bee, it sounds cool! Love that herringbone block for your group.

  5. i love that herringbone!

    and the fox print is adorable.

  6. you know I have a thing for foxy prints!! You have such a great eye for choosing amazing prints and putting them together so well, it's amazing!

  7. You certainly have a KNACK for picking out fabric!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that herringbone block! Going to have to check out the tutorial! I so admire all the swaps you do! I want to do another one soon..Just always seem SO busy! Keep on the good work! I am signing annonymous, but it is Michaelanne! I haven't been able to comment on any blogger blogs all day:(

  8. I need to get some Domestic Bliss! I can't believe I haven't yet!! I also love that DGS block so much!

  9. Love that herringbone block!! I too got some of that bliss and lark over the holidays. I got the last bit of that green lantern print the store had - and it was just a fat quarter but I gobbled it up!

  10. That herringbone block is super cool...i could see all sorts of cool variations using solids/prints etc.

    I tend to skim over your stash enhancement pictures...sorry but i'm finding it's dangerous to focus too much!

  11. Oh, be still my beathing heart...the foxes! Fox fabric = fabulous!


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