
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Improv chevrons and what followed

I have to confess, I don't always love bee block assignments. Occasionally, I'll drag my feet across the finish line, because I'm not in love with the block choice or color scheme. I always finish, and I usually learn something from the process (or even grow to love it!).

This month, in the Love circle of do.Good Stitches, though, well, I am smitten.
There was no dragging of feet, no grumbling.
Only love.

Natalie asked us to follow a tutorial for improv chevrons, found at Six White Horses.

My first block took a little while (mostly because I didn't read the directions carefully enough), but then it all clicked.

Improv Chevron #1

One block done. I was so impressed! It's such a fun block, and it looks a lot more difficult than it is.

Finished improv chevron blocks

I finished the second block this weekend. I love them, and honestly didn't want to send them off to Natalie, but I did.

It's okay, though. I'm playing with the leftovers, as well as adding in other fabrics to make something. Just because.

Improv chevron and others
First improv blocks to the left and right

It is so freeing to make something with no purpose.
As soon as I finished four improv blocks, my brain said, "okay, this will be a mini."
But, my heart said, "keep going". And so, I did.

In progress

I don't know exactly how it will all come together, but it will be fun, and full-size.

More. More. MORE!

I've got a plate full of things to do, but I'm enjoying a little selfish crafting.


  1. very pretty! i love your color scheme.

  2. hooray for improv! i love all your blocks.

  3. Love these - especially the colors!!! I purposefully have not gotten involved in any swaps/bees/etc. recently because I'm in serious need of some selfish crafting AND have a bunch of gifts in the works (mostly baby quilts!).

  4. Fantastic! I absolutely love the blocks!!!!

  5. These are so great, Jacey! Sometimes the busier you are, the more you need a little crafty escape!

  6. Totally loving your improv!! Your chevrons are great too, I'm glad they inspired something so fun!

  7. These really look amazing! I'm so glad you liked the blocks-- when I first started reading your post I was worried this was going to be a tough one, but you nailed it! I love the other blocks you've made, too-- the way you've surrounded some of the busy improv pieces with solids or neutral fabrics is awesome!

  8. ooh, that looks crazy hard! especially the different sized chevrons. I love the effect, though!

  9. I LOVE these! Your Improv is so great! I can't wait to see what the full size will look like...and I love that you are getting married in minutes and you can be found whipping these out. Awesome!

  10. i love them all so much and that orange is amazing! i love this color scheme jacey! the patterns are so beautiful and the solids shine so much, they are so vivid!

  11. Aha, so you had to get the hang of that block too. Yes, I should have started my chevrons so much smaller, but I was making 2 at once so I felt I had to trudge forward. I envy your just-because choice. So delightful! Have lots of fun!!!

  12. Ooohh, I really like the look of those wonder you wanted to keep them for yourself! Listening to one's heart is a must in crafting...glad you followed yours!

  13. I loved this block too and am totally tempted to make a table runner or something similar - love your improv blocks that you have made so far! So glad you are fitting in some just for you crafting too :)


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