
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fun Fourth Things

I enjoyed my holiday yesterday, but it was definitely hard to go back to work today. I spent the morning with Safieh, made delicious dinner and ice cream, spent time with E, and worked on some English paper piecing.

Pineapple mint salsa

I made Jerk Chicken and Pineapple Mint Salsa from this favorite book

This book is wonderful. This is the second chicken recipe I've made, and there is also a section of sides, and recipes for the leftovers.
I also made peach ice cream, from my other favorite cookbook. Tasty!

WIP: 1934 Star Blossom

I started basting these shapes Tuesday night, and here is my progress as of last night. Moving right along! This is part of Rachel's Handstitched Class, and you can find the lovely design here.

I plan to use the next few days to keep enjoying this paper piecing, and make some embroidery progress.

WIP: Modern Medallion

So far, so good!

WIP: Plucky Duckies

I also intend to keep enjoying this sock knitting that started spontaneously last week. This is Plucky Sport in Barn Door, using Sam's Duckies pattern.

Have a great weekend, friends!


  1. Gosh, Jacey, I am so enjoying seeing your take on these projects. You always see such a different possibility than I. It's invigorating!

  2. I love the fabrics you're using and that red yarn -- LOVE it!

  3. You've been busy! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Thanks, I can't wait to check out both of these cookbooks! BTW, David Liebovitz is the author of the panna cotta recipe from yesterday!

  5. Friends, family, food & crafts... What a lovely way to spend the holiday!

  6. Yummy, that pineapple salsa looks amazing! As does your handwork, of course:)

  7. the perfect scoop is amazing, no! and you've reminded me that i haven't made any ice cream yet this year... i've got to fix that fast!

    and i love those socks.

  8. Интересные начинания! Будем ждать окончания, чтобы полюбоваться.

  9. Yum!! I love pineapple salsa with coconut shrimp -- it's so delish. Now for a question...what size needle are you using for your socks. I had the hardest time with figuring out my gauge on a pair I started a couple months ago on a whim. So much trouble that I had to rip the whole thing out and start over twice - ugh - which didn't put me in the mood to start again soon. ha ha!

  10. That salsa looks great!!!! So does your paper piecing! You are SO darn productive!! I haven't been sewing at all lately..too nice out! I need to get stitching on my cross quilt again though! XXOO

  11. i love that shade of red. gorgeous! i really like your scrappy braids too.

  12. i really need both of those cook books! i am glad you had a great holiday! xo

  13. Ooh, that's a gorgeous shade of red! Now you make me want to go grab a sock to knit on while I'm waiting for my computer to start up (yes, plenty of work to do for the night). Ok, I'm off to grab that sock. I hope all is well! I'll catch up on posts one of these days!


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