
Friday, August 17, 2012

Scrappy blocks and a fabric observation

x & + blocks for do.Good Stitches

I was so glad Ara Jane picked the popular x & + blocks for this month in do.Good Stitches. Following a tutorial by badskirt amy, I feverishly went through my ginormous scrap bin, and had a great time pulling some favorite fabrics.

I've been wanting to try the block for ages, and a quilt full of these scrappy blocks is definitely high on my priority list.

I also received a few cuts of Anna Maria Horner's new Field Study last night from Stash Fabric, and noticed how well it works with some patchwork I started in Innocent Crush.

AMH: old and new

I think I may have to use the bits of Innocent Crush I've got left with the new cuts in a quilty project. Although, that reminds me of some WIP guilt I've got for my old Single Girl...


  1. Love that block pattern! Those look adorable :)

  2. i've been wanting to try these blocks, too, but gotta get the list of WIPs cranked out first! and that field study is gorgeous. if you want, i have some small pieces of the darker, older AMH print in the pic, and i'd be glad to share them with you.

  3. I love your x&+ blocks aren't they fun!

  4. OH! How have I never seen your AMH single girl?? Yes please, you should finish that soon!!

  5. wait a minute... I just noticed your header- it looks fantastic!!!

  6. i love those blocks jacey! so so pretty! i am going to work on mine right now! ;)

  7. yay, yay, and yay! that's one yay for each of your gorgeous blocks! this quilt is going to kick a$$!

  8. Your blocks look great!! So fun and scrappy. And I just succumbed to the call of Field Study too b/c I want to pair it with my Innocent Crush for a massive quilt for our bedroom...I think it is going to match wonderfully together. Well, except for the leopard prints...I might leave those out - ha ha!

  9. Love the blocks! I'm soooo waiting for the Field Study.

  10. Ooo, it does look good with Innocent Crush! Can't wait to see what you're doing with it!


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