
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy making and my word

Good morning!

Blocks 1-19

I wanted to share a picture of my x & + blocks.

These have been so fun to make, and I cut scraps for several more blocks this weekend. I plan to sew them up this week!

I have been trying to pick my word for 2013, and I looked back at my posts from a year ago. Last year, I did choose a word for myself, and that word was voice.

I think it was a great selection, and although I didn't come back to discuss it here, it is something I kept in mind, and I still do. I'm better about speaking up for myself (still not perfect, though), and I do think I'm finding my artistic voice as well.

After some careful thinking, my new word for this year is: FOCUS. Again, it's a word that encompasses many acts I hope to accomplish this year.

A focus on finishing projects.
I tend to divide my attention amongst many things at once. While I will always make small projects in between the big ones, I want to finish those big projects.
I've started well with this, although I have no photographic evidence as of yet. Soon!

A focus on goals.
Although I'm not being rushed, I need to find a new career. This is something I hope to contemplate this year.

A focus on everyday.
It's easy to get wrapped up in future events, but I have been trying to be present in each moment. It's not a hard thing, but it is.

And in the photography sense of the word, focus.
I think my photography skills have improved astronomically, but I want to keep improving and push myself with my camera.


  1. I like how you picked a word for the year. That's a different way of looking at goals but I like it. And I think they are more vague which for me, makes them more attainable. Concrete goals end up feeling like a to do list for me.

  2. Great quilt so far. A very powerful word as well. Wishing you lots of focus this year.

  3. I just LOVE your colorful blocks! I'd be so happy working on those. Focus is a great word... it is meaningful in many ways.

  4. I love seeing this project!! One of my goals (I didn't blog mine yet and may not) is to make at least one block from my scraps each month. I have so many scraps, and I am happy with my last two scrappy quilts and how they came to be, so why not!

    I think "focus" is a great word, and one that could use a little more of, too!!! :)

  5. Love those x & + blocks! Focus is such a great word too. I don't "officially" usually choose a word for the year, but your post made me think about what mine might be. I decided "jump" is a good word for the way I've been feeling. When I'm wondering if I should or shouldn't do something or if I can do it, I'm jumping. Let's hope I don't land on my backside too much :)

  6. What a great quilt! I love how the different prints make each other "pop." I'm curious to hear more about how you used your word last year. I keep thinking I should focus on "balance" but I'm much more of a to-do list girl and I'm not quite sure how I would use the word.

  7. Your quilt is going to be stunning!

    Changing careers is fun but scary! I hope it brings you fulfillment.

  8. focus is such a great word: i love how you are applying it. and i just love those x & + blocks. i don't think i will ever get tired of that quilt!

  9. like your blocks, reminds me of wanting such blocks, too. Focus is a good word.

  10. Happy new year, friend! I'm still cranking out the x and plus blocks too- I never get tired of them! Yours look great:).

  11. Your blocks are fabulous as always!! Focus is one of two contenders for my word of the year, too! Definitely is something I need in many areas of my life...I love how you have laid it out so well with your goals! Looking forward to seeing how this plays out for you this year. :)

  12. Ohh, I super super love those x and + blocks. They look delicious!
    And, yet again, I think we must share some part of our brain-- although I didn't publicly declare it, I've been focused on the word focus this year :) It's a great choice on so many levels!

  13. Thanks for sharing your word with us, Jacey. I agree that being present in the moment is hard and it is not. Such a sweet spot when it's hit. I wish that for you and I both this year.

  14. Ohh Jacey those blocks.... they just make me squeal they are so awesome. Good luck with focusing this year. I especially love the everyday aspect. Whatever else, life is precious and good moments should be gulped in and cherished

  15. Focus sounds like the perfect word for you. I can relate to all the things you need to focus on (except the job thing of course). In particular, that last one...I worry so much about the future (mostly work/research related) that I forget to enjoy the present. So time just speeds past without me even knowing it. It's a desperately hard thing to do in my opinion! Good luck...I'm going to love seeing you 'focus' on your creative side!

  16. Awesome goals and oh my goodness I love your blocks!! I have quite a few from a couple of swaps and really want to make for so I can make A QUILT!!

  17. i love your word. i loved your word last year too. i thought you did a very beautiful job of finding, using, sharing, exploring and owning your voice! i look forward to seeing how your focus builds your voice.

    also, i love your blocks. i love that block so much and you have the best scraps to make them with!

  18. This is a great theme! I agree, staying focused on the moment and on the project at hand can be a challenge for me too. I like how this highlights the link between happy productivity and mindfulness, letting go of the worrying about other things you could be doing and what will come. Looking forward to seeing the results of your focus in the coming year!


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