
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

WIPs: A look back

In review of my 2012 WIP post, I think I have done pretty well this past year.

That Central Park Hoodie is waiting to be photographed! It was my final finish of 2012 (or maybe it should be considered first of 2013), and I am mega-relieved to have it done. Better yet, it's wearable!

I finished two of the four knits I mentioned in my post.

As for quilts, I finished one of the four quilts.



Of course, I finished lots of other things that weren't on the list. Typical fashion.

You may remember the video I shared last year, which was inspired by C.

Well, this year, a video just didn't happen, but feel free to check out my 2012 flickr set, if you are so inclined.

I still intend to post a list of concrete goals for the year, asap!


  1. Love your swoon! It kind of makes me want to make another one, even though I struggled with the first!

  2. to me, one quilt suffices to call a year a success! and yours is gorgeous, along with all the other things you made. hooray!

  3. I am a sucker for blue, and this is fantastic. Love it, Jacey!

  4. I think 2012 was a productive year all around (craft and personal) for you! I hope you shift finishing up the grey skies cardigan to your '13 list...I think that is going to be fabulous. But no pressure. ;)

  5. And your Swoon is definitely my very favorite! I always love that signature Jacey color scheme of yours!! I'm wondering what you're feeling these days color wise? I'm all over the place lately!

  6. Beautiful quilt!! enjoyed looking at your flickr set! very inspiring!

  7. i loved this quilt so much! it was so fun to watch it grow. i am going to spend some quality time with myself tonight and decide on my goals for the year. the first goal includes yarn and knitting needles! ;) xoxo


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