
Sunday, January 5, 2014

FO: Geodes

I really, really, love this quilt. This started with Penny's Improv curve tutorial, and my desire to make a fall-colored quilt. The do.Good Stitches Love circle made lovely blocks!

Assembling the curvy blocks was fun, but I especially enjoyed building the patchwork background. I used a variety of Art Gallery solids and sewed together strips, chopped, then repeated.

I stuck to simple quilting on the curvy blocks, just outlining in red thread. But I let the quilting shine on all that negative space, with a boxy free motion stitch.

The back features a couple of blocks, and some mixed neutral prints from the stash.
I machine-bound the quilt. I usually prefer to handsew the binding, but I wanted to practice doing it on the machine, and I think I did pretty well.

I actually finished this a month ago, but after washing, there was a small hole on one of the curves (where a seam was cut a little short). I let it marinate for a few weeks, while I decided how best to mend it.
Amy suggested a simple zig zag, which is what I ended up doing. It's not noticeable, and it will ensure that the recipient will have a lovely quilt!

Oh, and can I just say, Elliott is so sweet to help me photograph my quilts. He is a tall dude, and was totally ducking in these shots.


  1. How totally rad! I love what you did in the negative space. Such a very creative layout, Jacey. I'm proud to have had a small part in the making. You really made our work shine!

  2. Such a beautiful quilt! And a lovely spot for pictures.

  3. If someone had tried to describe this quilt to me, I think my reaction would have been "ew", but this is spectacular! I love the contrast of the super busy curves bits with the more neutral background. Love it!

  4. beautiful! i love how the background makes it sparkle.

  5. I keep opening this up to look at it. Major yum-o. Just so good. Makes me want to pick up a bunch of my scraps and do something cool with them.

  6. This turned out amazing! I love how you quilted the negative space.

  7. Интересная абстракция!

  8. I'm catching up on the FO parade and everything looks great, but I particularly love the colors of this one. Lucky recipient! (sjn821 on Rav)

  9. I looove this so much! The bright scrappiness against the more neutral but still very scrappy neutrals is just stunning! It really makes me never ever want to use pastel ever again!


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