
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wonky stars, always

Wonky stars. They make me happy. They are simple and scrappy.

This week, I decided to pull out a WIP that started back in April 2013, at the first Stash Bash. The color palette is understated (which is different for me; I like bold). I've thought of this project often since I started it, and I included it in my 2014 goals.

Here's where the project stood at the beginning of the year, and although I didn't make a ton of progress this week, I enjoyed sewing little bits together. And that's really what matters. It's so easy to get caught up in goals and deadlines and expectations, whether they are your own, or from external sources.

So, I'll keep sewing bits together, adding elements as I please.

Here's to a bright 2015. I hope you shine.


  1. Happy New Year, sweet friend. See you soon!

  2. I like the feel of this's great to have goals and intentions to maybe focus us. But I think it's harmful to turn that into a race to do it all. Bit by bit, piece by piece...that's a perfect way to end 2014! Looking forward to seeing what you create in 2015 my friend!


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