
Monday, March 30, 2015

A few WIPs

I haven't made an honest WIP list in several months, and I know the list is long these days. I'm okay with it, though. I know my interest in a project sometimes fades or needs to simmer, and that feels more natural than forcing myself to work on something when I don't want to do so. That being said, I've got three WIPs to share today.

The first is an oldie, started in October 2013. I call it my Nothing but Blues EPP project. I'm using 1.5" hexagons, and blue scraps. I'm trying not to use any repeats, and I've accrued quite a collection (many more bits than I've already used) from friends. It's always fun to pick up this project, and I've stitched together several bits in the last week. I don't know how big the quilt will be, but I guess I'll know it when I see it.

I started a new knitting project Friday night. I've really worked primarily on socks this year, and I felt the urge for a new project. I indulged. It's the Ulmus shawl, and it was in my queue for ages.

Lastly, entirely inspired by Charlotte, a new quilt project.

After seeing her finished Magic Stars quilt top on instagram, I NEEDED one. I'm using some of the same fabrics she used, and a few different ones, and the blocks are nearly done, just a week after starting. I'm excited to enjoy this one immediately, and it will make me think of my pal, Charlotte, so win win win.


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