
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

FO: Bounce

I won't lie.


Most projects I start don't get finished right away. It's rare that I have the attention span to work on something from start to finish. Having said that, remember this post? I started a lovely curvy quilt from Angela's A Quilter's Mixology back in September.


Fairly quickly, I pieced four blocks, but I knew I wanted to make it bigger. And so into the WIP pile it went. And sat. Then, this spring, my friends Julie and Jessica asked if I would make a baby quilt, and this one felt perfect for the occasion.


I pieced two additional blocks, which makes the quilt 42" x 63" (I like to make baby quilts a little bigger, so it can be enjoyed for years to come).

Bounce back

As usual, I made a scrappy back. As I sat down to bind the quilt, a little trouble cat (Olias, naturally), accidentally snagged a piece of the back. I debated how to fix it, and after consulting with Julie, an embroidery patch solution was born.

Bounce detail
Wish I may, wish I might...

I love this little detail, so I guess I can forgive Olias for his recklessness.


It was bittersweet to let this one go, but I hope the recipient will enjoy it!


  1. it's beautiful, and I love the happy cat-ciddent (see what I did there?)

  2. Lovely as always. Lucky recipient! (sjn821)


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