
Monday, September 14, 2015

FO: Indigo Sailor Top

I'm the worst about getting pictures of my finished garments. Take the Sailor Top (by Fancy Tiger), for instance. I just finished my fourth version, and I've never shared any of them here. Here's the third one, and I'll work on getting pictures of the first two soon. In the meantime, my latest was cut from the Cotton & Steel print I dyed in Wisconsin.

Indigo Sailor Top

I love the indigo look and I'm so pleased with the fit. I'm still working on getting a smooth gather, but the neckline is so flattering. The Sailor Top is such a great garment and I'm planning to make my next one in one of Jeni's knit prints.

Indigo Sailor Top

Since blue is my most stashed color of fabric, I definitely have a lot of blue garments. I should work on that. But, indigo!

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