
Thursday, July 20, 2017

A lie and a quarter log cabin WIP

After thinking about my last post, I realized that I am not done making pineapple log cabin blocks. I currently have 24, so there are more to make!

And here is my photographic proof of a finished scrappy quarter log cabin quilt top:

WIP: Scrappy Quarter Log Cabin

photo credit-Jeni Baker (Thanks, Jeni!)

WIP: Scrappy Quarter Log Cabin

I think I will share my current pile of finished tops next, in hopes that it will motivate me to get quilting!


  1. I make and donate a lot of baby quilts and those are so easy to baste and quilt. On the other hand, I've had a Christmas top ready for the same treatment for months - so unlike me. I finally basted it and quilted it last week. I don't mind quilting lap quilts, just the basting. I can't wait to see your scrappy log cabin quilt finished. I've always wanted to make one but can't ever remember to do so when I sit down to play with scraps. (I know - make a list!) Great job!

  2. This top is so so good. Makes me want to start a truly scrappy quilt!


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