
Thursday, October 18, 2012

HCB: Scrappy Stocking Tutorial

Hello, hello! I am the caboose of the Holiday Craft Bash!

I hope you've checked out the other stocking projects this week, at Olivia Jane Handcrafted, A Little Gray and Esch House Quilts.

Today, I'm going to share a scrappy stocking tutorial.

All seams are 1/2" unless otherwise noted!

List of materials:

-1/2 yard fabric for lining
-1/2 yard fusible interfacing (I recommend SF101 or SF911)
-one fat quarter of coordinating fabric



1) Trace an existing stocking onto paper for your template. If you need a template, please email me at parandroid7 at gmail dot com, and I can send you mine. My template is approximately 11" x 18".

2)With lining fabric folded in half, trace and cut your template (you will have two mirrored pieces).

3) Sew lining pieces right sides together.

4) Clip the curves of the stocking, no more than 1" between cuts. Be careful not to cut your seam!


5) Sew scraps together to form patchwork of approximately 11" x 18".
Don't be afraid to trim as you go, and give it some wonkiness!

6) Apply fusible interfacing to wrong side of your patchwork. Cut template from patchwork.

7) Apply interfacing to wrong side of fat quarter of fabric. Cut template from fat quarter, making sure that it is the mirror image of your patchwork piece.

8)Sew exterior pieces, with right sides together. Again, clip your curves!


9)Cut a scrap or solid piece of fabric 15" x 10.5". Fold in half (lengthwise) with wrong sides together.

10)Fold in half (widthwise), and sew together.


11) Cut 4" x 10" piece of fabric. Fold in half (lengthwise) with wrong sides together.

12)Sew and turn right side out. Press with seam at center of back.


13) Insert lining into exterior stocking, with wrong sides together (right side of lining should be visible inside).
Insert hanger on inside of lining, folded in half (widthwise), being sure to place it on the back of the stocking, opposite of the toe area (imagine how it will hang).
The hanger should align (raw edges) with top of stocking.
Finally, place cuff inside lining, making sure strap is between lining and cuff.
**And very important (from my lessons learned!), the cuff seam should be visible on the inside, so that it will be hidden when you finish!).

14)Pin and sew around the top of the stocking.

Flip cuff and hanger out and press.

And you're done! Enjoy your new stocking!

If you make a project using one of our Holiday Craft Bash tutorials, please add it to the flickr group! You could win a weekly prize if you do!


  1. Super cute stocking Jacey! I really need to make some stockings this year!

  2. haha, caboose. I love it. The scrappy style looks great!

  3. Always love to see tutorials for using scraps. Looking good!

  4. so cute! if i hadn't already made patchwork stockings for us a few years ago (ok, so i already had one, and just made M a matching one!), i'd totally make this. maybe i'll make one for Emily . . .

  5. Great stocking, Jacey! and easy instructions too :)

  6. This is SO cute!! I still need to make a stocking for Lily, you're inspiring me!!


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