
Monday, October 15, 2012

Obsessed much?

I'm currently obsessed with paper piecing.


I finished my penguin popsicle this weekend. I'll be jumping right into the next Super Penguin block!

Wonky Bee Round 3

I made these spinning stars as part of my Wonky Bee start (I'll share more about that soon!).

Flower star

I'm also working on this Flower Star, from Issue 8 of Fat Quarterly.

Yes, paper piecing is on the brain!

I'm sort of hooked on stamping

Also on the brain? Stamping and ribbon. After I made those owl pouches, I was inspired to make others!

Oh, be sure to check out Jessica's Bumble stocking today! There will be weekly prizes for participation in the Holiday Craft Bash. Just add anything you make to the flickr group!

Okay, back to paper piecing I go!


  1. I love that flower star! And the ribbon/stamp pouches are so cute! I've been collecting the AMH ribbon, but I've only used it a few times. You are rocking the paper piecing, Jacey!

  2. It's all so puuurty... I can see why you're hooked!

  3. These all look great! I especially love the spinning stars...

  4. I LOVE everything!! Those Spinning Stars are out of control amazing!! I want to try those soon. Off to check out Jessica.... :)

  5. Loved everything. I might need to try paper piecing again.

  6. Paper piecing rocks!! I love the precision you get with it. Everything you are making is fantastic...that Flower Star is gonna be cool and I can't wait to see what people add to your traveling quilt!

  7. looks like a lovely obsession! i love your flower star blocks--such happy colors. :o)

  8. Love the bright colors in your flower star!

  9. holy stars batman! i LOVE that flower star! the summersville for the background is amazing! you are so great at putting fabrics together, seriously, it is a gift! xo

  10. that pengiun is too cute!! And I love those pouches. I'm heading off to Montreal this afternoon, and one of your fox pouches is coming with me, as it always does when I travel!

  11. OH the spinning stars are simply stunning - the fabric choice amazing - really makes them speak!

  12. It's all so awesome! You are skilled my friend :) Now I have the urge to do some paper piecing but it's late and probably not a good time to start a new project :)

  13. Your spinning star is looking amazing. Really cool!

  14. Your paper-piecing projects are so inspiring! I think it is your great sense of colors that makes your blocks so beautiful! And the stamped pouches are cute too!!

  15. Penguin freakin' cute! Okay, the owl bags are my favorite but I am loving the bike and bird ones too...really nice!

    Okay, I prolly should get back to work...and I'll start afresh with your blog and hopefully keep up. Looking forward to seeing what you get into this fall/winter! btw -- my mom was here and we pulled out the sewing machine. I didn't end up sewing anything but did get some fabric cut for a simple flannel rag quilt for my friend. And I have some other ideas I'm going to mess with this winter...we'll see!


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