
Monday, July 31, 2017

Quilt WIPs update

This is a stack of finished quilt tops, just waiting for basting. There are ten here, plus one more that is already basted.

I'm not saying I won't work on other projects for the rest of the year, but this stack will be my main focus for the remaining months of 2017. I haven't shared all of these projects here, but included in the stack are:

Scrappy Quarter Log Cabin
Big Plaid Log Cabin (bottom of this post)
Aerial Grove
Scrappy Geese
String Diamonds

It will be fun to see how many I can finish this year!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

FOs: Hearts and Pink Scrappy Leftovers

FO: Pink Scrappy HSTs

So, my original plan was to share this scrappy pillow (14" approx.) that I finished for my friend Amanda Jean. She loves pink, scrappy and tiny piecing, so it felt like a fun choice for her!
I really love the floating pink triangle. Also, binding on a pillow always makes me happy.

However, after trying to find the post about the original project that gave me these leftovers, I came up empty.

FO: Hearts

So, here you go, Hearts. This finish from last year was made from Cluck Cluck Sew's heart block in a couple of different sizes and lots of different pinks and purples.

Hearts back

And here's the back, scrappy as usual.

I really can't imagine how many other projects I have failed to share here.
Oh well. Baby steps!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

A lie and a quarter log cabin WIP

After thinking about my last post, I realized that I am not done making pineapple log cabin blocks. I currently have 24, so there are more to make!

And here is my photographic proof of a finished scrappy quarter log cabin quilt top:

WIP: Scrappy Quarter Log Cabin

photo credit-Jeni Baker (Thanks, Jeni!)

WIP: Scrappy Quarter Log Cabin

I think I will share my current pile of finished tops next, in hopes that it will motivate me to get quilting!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A few strip scrap WIPs

Lately, I have been extra obsessed with sewing from my strip scraps. I have four strip WIPs right now.

Two WIPs

There's the scrappy quarter log cabin (I assembled the top this past weekend in Wisconsin! Photographic proof soon!). I made 56 10.5 inch blocks using all kinds of color.

WIP: June quilt

Then there's the June quilt, from Amanda Jean's new book, No Scrap Left Behind. I have the top partially assembled, and I hope to finish it pretty soon. For this one, I cut a big pile of strips into the size she called for, which sped up the sewing process.

WIP: squares and squares

I also started a more selective log cabin project a few weeks ago. I'm using reds, neutrals, browns and yellows, and I've got ten blocks finished.

This color palette inspired me to make a pillow for Chase recently (I'll share that soon!), and then led to these blocks.

FO: Panache Compass Bag

Still life with pineapple blocks

Finally, there are my scrappy pineapple blocks. I have the blocks finished, so I just need to stitch them together for a finished top!

With all of these projects, I still have the itch to work with my strips (and they never seem to deplete), so I am sure I will start a few more projects with them before the year is out.
And that brings me great comfort.