
Saturday, June 2, 2018

May recap

baby lambs

When I was looking over my list from the past month I was amazed at how much I managed to finish! That doesn't always happen, and I'm sure part of the reason it was so productive, was that April was less so. Productivity is definitely not a constant for me, but an ebb and flow.

I'm sure another reason is that now that I'm trying to keep myself accountable for fabric purchases, I have extra motivation to finish more when it counts!

I had two significant fabric purchases this month and needed to balance the scale with some used yardage.

My May stash update:

Fabric: -7.625 yards
Yarn: -1,185 yards

Fabric total 2018: -46.75 yards
Yarn total 2018: -5,511 yards

It feels exciting to be down nearly 50 yards of fabric this year! I'm going to try to keep that momentum through the summer.

So, this month, I finished one quilt and started a new one.


I'm making Carolyn Friedlander's Tangelo quilt in Daisy Chain. Paper piecing can sometimes be just the right thing to sew. It requires a little bit of thinking, but not too much (once you have some experience, of course.), and I just love these fabrics!

I should have a new finished quilt top sometime this summer.

Additionally, I finished several garments this month.

FO: Gemma tank


Three new Gemma tanks that were already cut got finished. I also made a new-to-me pattern, the Willamette. I ended up making two of them, as the first one was quite large on me. I will say that the garment has considerable ease built in (11 inches). I ended up making a size that would finish much closer to my actual bust than recommended. And I love it, so try it if you are interested! I'll try to get a photo of me wearing it soon to show you.

We also tried FIVE new recipes this month, and three of them were big wins. And by that, I mean we will definitely make them again. My favorite was Smitten Kitchen's Grilled Yogurt Flatbread (from her second book).

Charred corn succotash with lime and crispy shallots, recipe from Smitten Kitchen's second book

Additionally, I managed a photo of her Charred Corn Succotash with lime and crispy shallots. It was amazing as well, but those flatbreads! Let's just say we are making them again tomorrow. And finally, I finished two books this month. Here's to a great June!