
Friday, January 27, 2012

Linky loos for you

Happy Friday to you! Thanks to you all for the comments on "My Word".

So, I'm excited for the weekend. Tomorrow, there will be (cup)cake tasting and flower picking (or selection, rather. I'm not actually going out in the fields to pick flowers...). Here's a random collection of links for you. I'll be back soon with several knitting FOs, and some sewing, too!

I want to knit this so badly.

I love these hoops by Lucky Jackson. She does one each day. Such a fun project!

I want to make this soup. Yum!

Speaking of food, this is one of my new favorite food blogs.

Still speaking of food, I highly recommend this cookbook. I've already tried a couple of the recipes, and I've always enjoyed her blog. Tasty stuff!

I'm going to be stitching this soon!

I'm in love with Shapemoth's latest creation, for the FTLOS swap. She was my partner last round and made me this:

FTLOS: Received!!!

She's so talented!

Lastly, enjoy this by The Staves (only audio). They opened for the Civil Wars last Friday, and they are fabulous.

Have a great weekend, crafty peeps! I hope you get to do fun things!


  1. Thanks for all the links! And I LOVE Pinterest, although I think I spend more time pinning than actually doing the stuff that I pin! Have a good weekend also!

  2. That pillow is amazing, isn't it? LOVE the RS x-stitch.

  3. I love the links! That Ron Swanson cross stitch is amazing-- my husband loves Ron Swanson (he keeps saying that he's the best character on TV right now), I totally have to bookmark that one for him :)
    Enjoy the cupcakes!! Hope you have a good weekend!

  4. I saw the Falling Stars kit and fell completely in love with it, too!

    1. I know! I still think I need a llittle more colorwork practice before I give it a try, though!

  5. what an awesome link round up, there were so many cool things!I love those hoops, that's is some seriously fabulous modern embroidery, plus I love the film references.

  6. oh i want you to knit that sweater very bad too. the purple... so so pretty! and i have another new fave group, thanks to you! xo

  7. hooray for Ron! i started mine last week. :o)

  8. I had a bunch of comments on the links but then clicked on that Staves song and everything just went out of my pretty. I'll be checking them out more this week!

    That sweater/hat set is great...a perfect colorwork challenge ;)
    The soup looks awesome...but check out Cooks Illustrated and the mushroom soup they make to go into their Green Bean of the best mushroom soups I've eaten (second best is PW's...but VERY decadent).
    And wow...that quilter is amazing...subscribing for inspiration!

    Hope you had a productive weekend tasting cupcakes!


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