
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My word

I've never designated a focus word for the year. I know many bloggers do, and I always enjoy reading these posts, but it always seems impossible to pick just one word.
But last night, as I was falling asleep, it popped into my head.


Seriously creepy yawn


You see, I've always had trouble speaking up for myself. I'm so non-confrontational, it's absurd. I'd rather be a little uncomfortable or inconvenienced, than to have to upset or disappoint someone else.

This is okay, to an extent.
Yet, I'm starting to find that voice. In two instances this year, one small and one big, I've spoken up for myself.
Perhaps it's turning 30 that gives me more courage, or maybe I've just decided enough is enough. Either way, I feel a surge of pride when I think of these two events, especially the bigger one.

I'm also hoping to strengthen my blogging voice this year. I have all of these ideas and plans, but don't have the time to execute them. I'm going to try to work on that this year as well.


  1. Great word. Blessings as you use it well.

  2. Nice selection. I'm right there with you on both points. I absolutely hate conflict. And sometimes, I feel like I'm in such a rush to dump pics on my blog that I forget to say anything interesting. Good luck!

  3. WOOO! Go Jacey! I am the exact same way! It's hard speaking up, but I know you can do it cause you're awesome!

    I still need to pick my word! It will probably be something dorky like.. bunny ;)

  4. You go, girl! I've been the same for all my life. But life is too short to put others' feelings before your own ALL the time. Sometimes it feels better to release the truth and then deal with the consequences.

    Best wishes!

  5. Great word! I love the meaning behind it.

  6. Good for you, Jacey! And with that photo as your mascot of "voiceness" how can you fail ;)

  7. A great theme word indeed! I'm not a fan of conflict either - peace people! It's so much easier! I think you're right, though, about getting older. Seems like its easier to find that voice and speak up! I look forward to how you develop your blog- you have a unique voice and sense of style that stands out among the crowd!

  8. You will continue to have an awesome voice as it continues to get STRONGER and LOUDER! Good choice!

  9. Oooh, I love it. That has been such a lifelong issue for me too -- I hope you will keep us posted on your progress!

  10. I think having a word for the year is a great idea.. I've done it int he past and found it really helpful!! And that cat photo is too funny.

  11. It's a great word. And choosing just one word is difficult, sure, but it's amazing how many times you think of your word throughout a year.

    I'm similar to you but have recently been taking some stands because I have decided enough is enough as well. I'd like to say that the only emotion is 'freeing' but it's really hard at times...which is as it should be I think.

  12. great word! and olias demonstrates it perfectly! i am proud of you for speaking up for yourself. it is a hard thing to do when you haven't before but it feels so good! good job jacey!

  13. Good for you! I am the same way...sometimes, I get so angry-after the fact, that I don't speak up sometimes!! Your warmth and kindness shines through in your work..and in your words! I am glad that you are strengthening your VOICE:) AND your kitty looks like he approves, and is demonstrating!-Michaelanne (Still having that sign in trouble:)

  14. Well done! And I hope your week finished off wonderfully! :)

  15. Great word. I hope it gives you power this year.


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