
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Days 1-10

Feb 1-10

We're halfway through February already! Geez. Time is flying crazy fast these days!

I thought I'd share a mosaic of days 1-10 in my month of crafty photos.

I must admit, I've been late in posting or taking some of these pictures. I'm enjoying the prompts, though. I enjoy looking through the flickr group, too.

Here's my favorite out-take, from day 7:

I heart Olias

Olias can only be this close to the yarn under my watchful eye.


  1. Haaa Olias. That kitty cracks me up.

  2. so cute. he looks like he's saying, "If i stand very still, maybe she won't notice me!"

    great photos.

  3. i love your photo mosaic!! the colours look so rich and vibrant together. And your kitty is super cute!

  4. glad to see i'm not the only one taking a while to get it all posted! great photos.

  5. Good job putting together that mosaic!! You are SO busy!!! How are the wedding plans coming?? I hope all is coming together well...I am sure it is, because I can tell YOU are a master multi tasker:) My knitting hit a glitch..I have to get together with my friend so she can fix my mistake!!!! Then, hopefully, I will have a finish:) Love the last pic!!

  6. i am so behind. i need to take all of the pics off my camera. yours are great though.

  7. Such a beautiful kitty!! Oh how much fun he would have in all that yarn ;)

  8. I've enjoyed watching you post your crafty photos...are you still doing it?

    Olias is a does he mess with yarn?


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