
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mini Quilt Swap: Sent & Received

It's been a long time since I participated in a public swap. Swaps are always fun, but also challenging, especially if you don't hear much from your partner. But more often than not, it works out in the end. I find it helpful to stick to my convictions and focus on making a quality gift.

Schnitzel and Boo orchestrated this mini quilt swap.


I made this little mini for my partner, babydoxie. I used a variety of colors, a block from Patchwork, Please! (the same one from this apron), and quilted it by machine and by hand.

The back

The back shows off the quilting a little better. I haven't done much hand quilting, so this was a bit of a stretch, but I am fairly pleased with how it came out. I, personally, do not like to use white sashing, but that was something my partner specifically requested.

As for what I received, I was so surprised to see a package from Tammy in my mailbox (you know, since we live in the same city, are friends, and hang out fairly regularly). She tricked me well! We even discussed the swap at Quilt Market last month.

Asterisk mini from Tammy

I just love the mini she made for me. It's got lots of my favorite elements, and will fit right in with my collection of minis.


I really love the label detail, too!

I probably won't do another swap for awhile, but this was a fun one to participate in, and I met lots of new people.

1 comment:

  1. I love both of them! Yea for hand quilting! And I agree, the labeling your partner used is great!


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