Checking on the Colonel, by Kimberly Lewis
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted, Ibiza, approx. 130 yards
Needle: Size 7 circular
Time: 10 days
Recipient: possibly, my very sweet neighbor (or possibly me if it's not her style)
Thoughts: Upon first glance, the FOs on ravelry did not sell me on making this pattern. However, I decided to try it with the variegated yarn. I love the result. The hat is larger than most of the ones I've made, and it works well. It fits differently, as it's not a "skullcap" (Dean refers to most of my hats in this way; I don't think he means it in a complimentary way). I probably won't make this pattern again, but it was a fast knit and is easy to follow.
I like it!