When I was looking over my list from the past month I was amazed at how much I managed to finish! That doesn't always happen, and I'm sure part of the reason it was so productive, was that April was less so. Productivity is definitely not a constant for me, but an ebb and flow.
I'm sure another reason is that now that I'm trying to keep myself accountable for fabric purchases, I have extra motivation to finish more when it counts!
I had two significant fabric purchases this month and needed to balance the scale with some used yardage.
My May stash update:
Fabric: -7.625 yards
Yarn: -1,185 yards
Fabric total 2018: -46.75 yards
Yarn total 2018: -5,511 yards
It feels exciting to be down nearly 50 yards of fabric this year! I'm going to try to keep that momentum through the summer.
So, this month, I finished one quilt and started a new one.

I'm making Carolyn Friedlander's Tangelo quilt in Daisy Chain. Paper piecing can sometimes be just the right thing to sew. It requires a little bit of thinking, but not too much (once you have some experience, of course.), and I just love these fabrics!
I should have a new finished quilt top sometime this summer.
Additionally, I finished several garments this month.

Three new Gemma tanks that were already cut got finished. I also made a new-to-me pattern, the Willamette. I ended up making two of them, as the first one was quite large on me. I will say that the garment has considerable ease built in (11 inches). I ended up making a size that would finish much closer to my actual bust than recommended. And I love it, so try it if you are interested! I'll try to get a photo of me wearing it soon to show you.
We also tried FIVE new recipes this month, and three of them were big wins. And by that, I mean we will definitely make them again. My favorite was Smitten Kitchen's Grilled Yogurt Flatbread (from her second book).

Additionally, I managed a photo of her Charred Corn Succotash with lime and crispy shallots. It was amazing as well, but those flatbreads! Let's just say we are making them again tomorrow. And finally, I finished two books this month. Here's to a great June!