Today, I've got a Zig Zag Table Runner for you. This was almost the tree skirt, but I felt it would be better suited for a table than under the tree.

Directions below are for 1/4" seam, unless otherwise noted.
List of materials:
-1 charm pack (or forty 5 inch squares)
-1/2 yard of coordinating solid
-1 yard of backing fabric
-FQ of binding fabric
-60 degree triangle template
1)Sew charms into pairs.
2)Next, sew the pairs into four-patches. (if you are using a charm pack, remove two squares). You should have ten four-patches.
3)Cut your solid fabric into 8 1/2" strips along WOF.
4)Now, using your triangle template (you can get one here!), cut eleven triangles from your solid fabric. 5) Again, using your template, cut a triangle from each four-patch. Consider rotating your template over the fabric, to get a different arrangement of the fabrics.6) Alternating solid and scrappy triangles, sew three rows of triangles.
Each row should have seven triangles, and two rows should start/end with a solid piece. 7) Sew these three strips together, with a solid-start strip on either side of the scrappy-start strip. You will have jagged ends! 8) Now, we'll square up our short ends.9) Cut your backing fabric slightly larger than the front.
10) Baste!11) Quilt as desired. I chose to quilt the scrappy triangles in a free motion loop and the solid portions in "organic" zig zags.
12) Trim your quilt square. Make your binding. As usual, I used a 2 1/2" wide binding. 13) Apply your binding.Finished!
Thanks for checking out the Holiday Craft Bash tutorials, and thanks especially to Meredith, for inviting me to contribute! It was a challenge, but very fun!
And be sure to check out the last tutorials from Jessica, Debbie and Meredith this week! Please make sure you add any finished projects to the flickr group!